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Fairwood Press, 2003

This is the web site of Dr. A. Paul Chous; eye doctor, diabetes educator, and author of the highly-acclaimed book Diabetic Eye Disease: Lessons From A Diabetic Eye Doctor. At this site, you will be able to learn about how diabetes affects the eyes from an eye doctor who has been a Type 1 diabetic himself for 38 years.

You will also learn more about Dr. Chous' new book, and be able to ask the doctor your questions about diabetic eye disease, good diabetes management, and the key steps every diabetic must take to get great eye care and prevent blindness.

 Click HERE for Speaking Engagements List. 

Look for Dr. Chous's new monthly web column at dLife.com and his upcoming feature articles in Diabetes Self-Management and Review of Optometry, this Fall. See many of his previously written articles at diabetesincontrol.com.

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